Meet The Team

Founder & Managing Director
Lauren Meston
Lauren is as passionate as they come for making a difference - she cares a lot! As Safeguarding Lead, Managing Director & Head Teacher she's got her hands full but her dedication and determination mean the staff and young people are in safe hands.

Kacey Dart
Kacey is an amazing Teaching Assistant soon to be Qualified Teacher. A lady of many talents and dedicated to guiding young people in the right direction. As a previous AP Student herself, she knows only too well what this difference can make!

Office Manager
Beckie Broadhead
Office Manager, Attendance Officer and Safeguarding Pro - Beckie is the oil that keeps the machine running and we'd be lost without her. Super organised, highly skilled and very talented, all delivered with a smile.

HR & Finance Manager
Drew Green
Drew is the behind the scenes lady, without her the smooth operation that is Future Pathways wouldn't exist. Overseeing the business development, staff team and spending - she's a real asset!

Boxing Coach
Kev Burton
Kev is an inspiration to our young people teaching them the art of discipline and focus. Well respected by all our young boxers steering them in a positive direction and improving their skills.

Support Worker
Freya Bush
Freya is our youngest team member working to support young people through their studies and making sure they have a healthy and nutritious meal. She does all this alongside studying hardcore A-Levels. Go Freya!

Jack Hogg
Jack is our resident ASD specialist. He manages our nurture group, planning and delivering a diverse and interesting curriculum. Jack has worked in the Alternative Provision industry for 7 years and cooks up a storm in the kitchen!

Pete Meston
Pete has been a Director since the birth of Future Pathways. He's an ideas man, forward thinking and great at recruitment too. His job is to grow and develop Future Pathways so we can help as many young people as possible! Not all heroes wear capes.